viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Ensayo :Secuencias Didacticas

English didactics sequences
One of the main reasons that we as human’s go to school to learn but ¿What is learn?=The process in which we learn capacity intellectuals Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. These variables interact as learners work toward their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviors, and skills that add to their range of learning experiences. Over the past century perspectives have emerged one is the ; cognitivist (learning as a mental operation) In my point of view it is possible we as human been demonstrate in many situation we are endowed of sometimes called intelligence, so in this situation we need a process in our brain that in some ways we arrive in a point called learn . ); constructivist (knowledge as a constructed element resulting from the learning process). Ernst von Glasersfeld, the "father" of constructivism, believes thateducation has two main purposes: to empower learners to think for themselves and that’s when we as teacher have a big problem because students have the notion that they go to school only to repit words or activities that a professor teaches However, having said that, students must also share in the responsibilityby doing some things for themselves, But theirs others factors that maybe we don’t consider like we saw in the last easy cognitive style, learning style, the multiple nature of our intelligences. College instructors who have assumed that their students were learning what they were trying to teach them are regularly faced with disappointing evidence to the contrary when they grade tests and term paper.
But that’s not my in the English teaching we have didactic sequences and how he use them in the classroom(DLE) Is the abbreviation of how university call to didactic sequences but only consider a discipline of the teaching learning and at the same time makes a a construction about the knowledge didactic sequences conceptualization as a joint of ordinates of activities for the securing of a goal.
In the secondary were I had that opportunity to wok I observe the file of the teacher were I made a observation that how a traditional way of teach English could be expressed Margaret Its something traditional start with a presentation, with an explanation the internalization of the knowledge and later you have to evaluate if the students learned.
We teacher star we sequences like Presentation coming next with the speak of the language to tackle a text then we use oral text :For personal, creative social, academic and institutional purposes (conversations ,transactions, presentations, our written texts For personal(shopping lists notes,leeters emails).
I have argued elsewhere (see "Constructivist Learning" and "What is learner autonomy and how can it be fostered?") that knowledge does not belong to a teacher who is supposed to deliver it ad placitum; it is rather the result of social interaction and the meanings the teacher and the students construct together. This process is not a linear sequence of events but a dynamic phenomenon, whereby the teacher, who is more knowledgeable, is called upon to act, among other things, as a mediator, influencing and being influenced by the students.


Formatos de Planeacion

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Investigacion de Campo


120  sessions   of  English  over    school  year  has  a student  .So  they    could  be  putted  en the  scale  of  basic.

A2  Platform:   Where  he  can   understand  and now  sentences  ,expressions of  daily life ,information  about  himself, shopping,  places of interest,  occupations .  Now  how  to  communicate   ,so  can make   simple  daily works,  How  to  describe   simple   features  about  the  past.

But  when  we  arrive  at  the secondary  school   all  the  reality  is  another’s,  it  could  be  the context; because   students  do  no  much  about  English,  all  they  now  is  a  few  words  of  the  song  they  like.

We  as  professors  of 20 century  have  a lot  of  things  in  our  favor; the music  in English  they  hear, The   programs  in  English, The  Internet   but  something  I  had  learn  is  it  is  very  difficult  for  a    student  have  a  level  of  A 2  if    the  government  don’t teach  English  since Kinder garden  through  Primary  School ,that’s    maybe   one of  the  factors  for    an  a  main  reason  of  why  a  teacher  feels  disappointed    and   our  students  In  the secondary  see  the  school  subject  of  English  like  a  difficult  subject.

I  would  like  to   conclude by  saying that  my   students  were  in  the A2  Platt form  but  it  would  be  a  lie,  maybe  they  were  in the  A 1  level .

Angel Tellez Tula

martes, 21 de junio de 2011


 SOCIAL PRACTICE: Carrying out certain transactions.

Language function:   Asking for and giving travel information

Main Aim: By end of lesson students will be able to design and talk about Tour advertisements

OBJETIVE:To recover previous information seen in the previous lesson.
Time of interaction: 7 min
Ss. Will solve a crossword related to the vocabulary seen in the previous lesson

T.will ask some ss to pass to the board any to write or draw the meaning of the vocabulary.


Objective: To introduce students to the topic about how to talk about planning tours
T.will present an advertisement and I will talk about in order    to talk about in order to  introduce   the pairs.


OBJECTIVE: Make students to understand the advertisement.

Time: 10 minutes
T.forms pairs and gives an advertisement for each pair


OBJECTIVE: To write and design an advertisement based on the examples before.
 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate students  TIME :10 MIN.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Makeing  Reservations

In the two first imágenes I was in my first class with the 3 grade  we were going to see the unit Plannig holidays ,
The social practice will be :Carring out certain transictions
The languange function will be :Asking for   and giving
travel information.
Main Aim:By the end of the day of lesson students will be able to make  reservation.
To stimulate and catch students attention
Interaction time:5-7 minutes.

The teacher start to saying a word and then throws the ball in order students to other word related with which the teacher said, and follow the same procedure
 Performs a role play to introduce an example of how to make a reservation when travelling.
I made an example of a reservation and presented to the class.     INTERRACTION   TIME: 7 MIN


In the imagen  the  I am showing to the students  imagens to make students intentify common words and expressions when booking.

Copy the conversation in their notebooks

Then they will make pairs and practice the dialogue.
Time of interaction (10minutes) brochures to students, form pairs and gives instructions.

Ss make a small conversation using the information given in the brochure and go in front of the class and give it.

Practicas 23 -27 de Mayo


In the secondary school where I had the opportunity to go ,I n the weekend when I had to practice was the test for the students Enlace I  had to give my classes in the first Monday  I gave them at  in the afternoon ,The classroom where I had the opportunity was 3  C  .A t the beginning  of my class the students knew how did I work and that I was a very  demanding person. So I started with the first activity to have their attention Called Soft Ball, I like so much this activity because it’s very interesting to them and very attractive to catch their attention. The activity in some way its good but you have to pass the ball to all the students, more I guess the ones who are in the back ,because they always  have fun and  that’s not the point so the first activity was good and I made participate all of them  making questions about and in order to  students to say a prediction  .

Like what are you going to be in a future?

Are you going to get married ¿At what age?

We could use this successfully to make in the next stage Presentation of the text

“Talk about future planes”

Make students to identify common and differences when indicate future (will, going to, definitely, probably, maybe .Words and expressions it’s a very difficult duty because they don’t know about their future so they always use probably, maybe.

Present a part off a magazine article about teenagers its very cool for them because they identify with all the paragraphs. And the 3 grade felt very interesting about the topic.

Vocabulary and useful expressions

To make reflection of the language the crossword that the students solve  was very good because It made reflect the language and identify  more  how to talk about useful expressions.

 So I entertain the class

Presentation of the dialogue in a written way

The next activity was make them solve the Conversation related with the text that we just gave them. The 3 grade respond good to the activity I put blanks so they could wrote down what they think.

To evaluate them I made an activity that I had never made to any students Word Scramble, It was a very good activity for them an made think a lot more, so they could organize.

The Second time  of practice I made it the same day after the recess and It was good because I, was not going to  have to  remember what we have seen, and the issue was  relation with the before given.

So to recover previous information seen in the previous lesson I  made a brainstorm with them so ,I asked to some students to pass to the board  one, by one and draw the meaning of probably like 50%  maybe 50% definitely 100% definitely not 0%.

The students had a little bit of problems with this activity so in the next class I will change it for a better one.

To introduce students to the topic about how to talk about peoples certainty and doubt.(definetly,probably maybe,

Going to , will  I used an email .relation with the letter before this email. had a very good answer but something that I didn’t take in account was that in 1900  was not even invented so  that was  a terrible mistake.

But someone made of my students made that observation so I knew that there was analyzing, and putting attention.

For the reading activity a use a letter gave for them put in this time students will resolve the answers for the evaluation but in using the useful expressions  a read the letter first and made that the students repeat after me .}The letter was cool  for them I think, and I had every one envolve in the situation reading one by one.

For make the evaluation a made that all student made a letter with  following  the same procedure ,using expressions like maybe perhaps,definetly but in their personal opinion   butting  expressions that will better fit in their future prediction.

I liked the experience  of the secondary but I guess  that teach is an art and there are a lot of things to learn…………………………………………….
