viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Ensayo :Secuencias Didacticas

English didactics sequences
One of the main reasons that we as human’s go to school to learn but ¿What is learn?=The process in which we learn capacity intellectuals Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. These variables interact as learners work toward their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviors, and skills that add to their range of learning experiences. Over the past century perspectives have emerged one is the ; cognitivist (learning as a mental operation) In my point of view it is possible we as human been demonstrate in many situation we are endowed of sometimes called intelligence, so in this situation we need a process in our brain that in some ways we arrive in a point called learn . ); constructivist (knowledge as a constructed element resulting from the learning process). Ernst von Glasersfeld, the "father" of constructivism, believes thateducation has two main purposes: to empower learners to think for themselves and that’s when we as teacher have a big problem because students have the notion that they go to school only to repit words or activities that a professor teaches However, having said that, students must also share in the responsibilityby doing some things for themselves, But theirs others factors that maybe we don’t consider like we saw in the last easy cognitive style, learning style, the multiple nature of our intelligences. College instructors who have assumed that their students were learning what they were trying to teach them are regularly faced with disappointing evidence to the contrary when they grade tests and term paper.
But that’s not my in the English teaching we have didactic sequences and how he use them in the classroom(DLE) Is the abbreviation of how university call to didactic sequences but only consider a discipline of the teaching learning and at the same time makes a a construction about the knowledge didactic sequences conceptualization as a joint of ordinates of activities for the securing of a goal.
In the secondary were I had that opportunity to wok I observe the file of the teacher were I made a observation that how a traditional way of teach English could be expressed Margaret Its something traditional start with a presentation, with an explanation the internalization of the knowledge and later you have to evaluate if the students learned.
We teacher star we sequences like Presentation coming next with the speak of the language to tackle a text then we use oral text :For personal, creative social, academic and institutional purposes (conversations ,transactions, presentations, our written texts For personal(shopping lists notes,leeters emails).
I have argued elsewhere (see "Constructivist Learning" and "What is learner autonomy and how can it be fostered?") that knowledge does not belong to a teacher who is supposed to deliver it ad placitum; it is rather the result of social interaction and the meanings the teacher and the students construct together. This process is not a linear sequence of events but a dynamic phenomenon, whereby the teacher, who is more knowledgeable, is called upon to act, among other things, as a mediator, influencing and being influenced by the students.


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